11 may 2008


*REFLECTION----Since I've finished my mayor in fashion, you know I have much more free time than I used to. In this valuable and transitional time, until my travel to London, I've discovered that life can be so different depending on the routine each one has. Everything seems to me so quiet now, my decisions take more longer but contradictorily that makes me feel sometimes more impulsive and spontaneous.-

So, speaking about free time and taking care of myself, I would like to introduce to my readers, my Temple. It might sound superficial but you know I don't write about religion.

*SPA BELGRANO is my favourite place to go when I really need to feel relaxed and beautiful. At first I only went for specific treatments like skin cleansing and hydrating. But then I discovered the body treatments like Mesoterapia and Corpo, so I could achive a good body shape, of course also exercising and eating considerably healthy. Soon the massages came, the exclusive products from Germany for hair, skin, body and make up and the comfort that only this place could offer me... I 've became an addict.

For more information check the web page www.spabelgrano.com and decide what's your best option to look amazing and give yourself what you deserve. MEN are WELCOME!

+ Vuelta de Obigado 1600- BELGRANO- Bs. As.
47843336- 4784333 + info@spablegrano.com