Most of the people who enjoys the privilege of not having to go to the office at 8 a.m., and usually adopts a life style that privileges relax, health and pleasure, before beginning a reloaded day of responsibilities; those, count with an ample range of possibilities in which physical most habitual ones it stand out: running, jogging, yoga and aerobics; but there is an option to which every day more and more adepts are added: inline to roller skating.

The official credit by the invention of the first pair of roller skates, must attribute to Joseph Merlin, luthier been born in Huys, Belgium on September 17 of 1735. In May of 1770, Merlin went to London like director of the Cox Museum in Spring Gardens, where it exhibited several of his musical instruments. Merlin also had examples of his inventions on his house in Oxford Street (affectively called "la cave of Merlin"), where also it showed his only invention: a pair of rollers on wheels.

Nowadays the roller skating is one of the coolest activities practiced as much by men as women, youths and adults who enjoy the speed and adrenalin that these offer them.
Everyone must have a pair of rollers because, they help to improve the entire body, it hardens every muscle and also its really entretained. Much more if their are added a mp3, a pair of glasses to protect eyes from the sun and the stylish sportwear every brand offers, specially Stella MacCartney capsule collection for Adidas.
W*b selected the best pieces for you to wear if you want to rollerskate like us:

If you want to buy a pair of rollers visit: